Appointment of a nursing staff for each highly qualified patient with the participation of the patient's family
Continuous supervision by the institution and the doctor specialized for the condition of the disease in coordination with the nursing staff
Continuous communication by the staff with the physician of the case to provide comprehensive and adequate service to the patient
Provide a nurse or nurse daily to measure vital functions and take blood samples and send them to the laboratory as directed by the doctor
Installation and follow-up of feeding pipes
Care of the tracheal tube
Wound Care Management Wound care for diabetic foot and postoperative medical surgeries
Installation of urinary catheter and follow up and treatment of complications
Provide a physiotherapist for the patient at home
Install the intravenous catheter to give nutrients and antibiotics
Provide a psychologist and nutritionist for patients according to the treatment plan
Assist the elderly in the activities of daily life, especially those with special needs
Provide a special staff to treat respiratory patients
X. Ray, US Dopplar Provisioning Device
Brain planning and extraction of the report and follow up with the specialist neurologist
Home Echo ECG report extraction and follow up with specialist cardiologist and ECHO
Provide transportation for patients in emergency cases to hospitals
F care systems

Millions of people around the world suffer from hemorrhoids. This disease has a big impact on the patient daily life going from discomfort and shame to painful bleeding and inability to function in later stages. Although traditional techniques can be the cure they often result in a painful recovery and at long term return of the symptoms.
F care systems has developed a revolutionary technique called the Rafaelo procedure. Rafaelo or Radio Frequency treatment of haemorrhoids under local anesthesia , is a new approach with great clinical outcome and quick recovery.
A special designed probe HPR45i allows practitioners to work quickly with a good visibility and immediately result. In combination with the local anesthesia the procedure time is reduced with 50% making it an in and out rather painless procedure. Post-operative care is reduced to a minimum in most cases.